SUPPORTING SCIENCE EDUCATION effort was created by the Bioscience Collaborative and supported by over 40 bioscience companies in the Region. Our mission is to support science education in the New Haven Public Schools.
In 2024, we celebrated the inaugural “Science Week” as part of our continuing efforts to ignite the imagination of students towards science. Over 950 students were treated to Alexion’s headquarters visit, learning about the DNA of a strawberry. Students at King Robinson learned about welding from General Dynamics Electric Boat by constructing crackers and spray cheese. The New Haven Science Fair, sponsored by the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, engaged the thousands of New Haven public school students in over 200 science projects. The week culminated in all 28 middle schools by having students build tetrahedron kites. Students from East Rock Community Magnet school demonstrated their hard work as they watched their kites take flight. Follow us on LinkedIn.
NHPS We Like Science Website: https://www.welikescience.com/
New Haven Science Fair Website: https://www.nhsciencefair.org/
Volunteer Here: Bioscience Volunteer Engagement (google.com)
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